Sunday, December 13, 2015

V'ahavta Review Day

During our last class before winter break and Tarboot v’Omanut, we reviewed lines 1-5 of our V'ahavta practice sheet by playing games. We used this bulls-eye game board and a set of V'ahavta flash cards.  It was a fun way to practice sounding out words, and to remind students that they know more than they think.  Next we played team tic-tac-toe (our favorite game) which involved listening to a word from the first 5 lines of the V'ahavta, and then finding it on our practice sheet.  We will play more review games when we resume class after break.  

If you'd like to play at home to review what we've been learning, you can use this game board to practice the Alef-Bet, or this game board to practice the V'ahavta.  You can use this set of cards, or this set that I made, with the second game board (or use a board game that you have at home.)  

Happy (end of) Hanukkah!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Learning V'ahavta

In small groups, students practiced with Alef-Bet flash cards, and worked on reviewing the first four lines of our V'ahavta practice sheet.  We took a break midway through class to stretch and rest our brains.  Then we worked as a class to sound out the four words in line 5 on our V'ahavta practice sheet.  We used the repeat-after-me method to learn the melody, and then practiced singing all five lines a few times.  We ended class by playing a brief review game, with a piece of candy as a prize.